Tsveta Mincheva is a young health professional and social changemaker.
She has joined the Gergina Foundation’s team supporting local visibility and healthcare partnerships, content development, event organisation, and space holding.
With a master’s degree in Pharmacy and several years of experience in patient consultation, Tsveta brings a wealth of expertise to her role. Her primary focus is to provide invaluable information to patients about available clinical trials tailored to their specific medical conditions.
Through her direct interactions with those in need, Tsveta has embraced the ethos of “Give first,” demonstrating unwavering support and empathy to individuals navigating the complexities of cancer diagnosis and treatment.
She firmly believes in the interconnectedness of humanity, recognizing that regardless of one’s background or history, we all share a common thread. Tsveta understands that healing begins with sharing and holding space for others, fostering a supportive environment where individuals feel heard and understood.
Driven by her daily interactions with patients, Tsveta recognized the limitations of conventional treatment methods and sought to broaden her perspective on healing. This led her to enroll in herbal classes, offering her a deeper understanding of holistic approaches to wellness.
She believes true healing involves addressing the interconnectedness of the body and soul, acknowledging the profound impact each has on the other.
Outside of her professional pursuits, Tsveta finds solace and rejuvenation in nature, often embarking on hikes with her family. She also enjoys the simple pleasures of dancing and sharing meaningful moments with her closest friends.