We believe that timely empathic support is key to further guidance and decisions in the treatment and healing process. And that how each one of us leaves the world leaves its profound imprint on the common future and well-being. We are open to meeting needs and serving healing in a meaningful and life-affirming way. 

We work with a network of practitioners and volunteers who can provide timely empathetic support and a safe “Circle of two” space of deep listening which may be ideal if you need extra support or are hesitating to join a healing circle or a group process.  

A free initial conversation with a therapist is available for people who are newly diagnosed or family members who wish to receive support in the initial shock, fear, and confusion following a diagnosis. 

We also offer an individualized accompaniment called Transition with Dignity as a way to offer deep emotional support in communicating what is most sacred to us with our loved ones, in the form of an emotional will.  

We develop a network of volunteers who have navigated the diagnosis and healing path and who wish to offer supportive companionship to peers (buddy matching system). 

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Individual Accompaniment: Transition with Dignity   

A short depth process at the end of life that supports us to capture our life history and meaning and elaborate an emotional will.  

The emotional will allows us to communicate what’s most sacred to us to our loved ones.  

We are supported emotionally to connect with our life story, to capture our best memories, describe ourselves and our vision of the world. It can be a special gift we leave to our loved ones to feel close to us again, to know us and remember the moments we lived together. 

The process is offered in 3 sessions of 90 minutes.   

Its value is 300 BGN or the amount that is possible for you at the moment. Please don’t hesitate to connect for more information. 

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