We design and offer workshops and dedicated learning journeys that offer:  

Information and knowledge from the world of integrative self-care.  

Immersive days: transformative live group processes using art, projective, and constellation methods.  

Art circlesnew formats supporting deep healing through the connection with art, lands, roots, and folklore 


We are in the process of designing new workshops and circles on a range of integrative topics including:  

Healing and food intuition 

Narrative medicine 

Artists way  


If you would like to receive news and announcements of our future offerings, please fill out the form here 

Past events:


Immersive day: Unfolding Our Gifts  

A day-long transformative process that helps us access awareness and deepen our healing through art and somatic practices. 


Immersive Day: Integral Life Map 

A daylong nurturing process dedicated to mapping our life path and line of illness connecting the dots, orienting, and resourcing in challenging times.