Living through a cancer diagnosis is never easy, but could definitely be ‘lighter’ when we are not alone. We heal in community. 

The healing path is open regardless of the material reality of advanced illness or extreme marginality. We heal until our last breath. 

Illness could also be a path to awareness, connection, and belonging. Both on the individual and collective level. Our mission is to create the conditions for this. 

Gergina Foundation 


Our support is geared toward the people encountering the oncological diagnosis, their loved ones, and the health and social practitioners. 

For people living with cancer, we offer both tailored support and innovative processes of accompaniment such as Healing Circles.  

The Healing circle touches our hearts and helps guide us on our path. 

The healing circle offers a safe and accepting space in which we can explore our capacity for healing, to relieve suffering, and to find meaning in both challenges and joy.   


We work in close collaboration with Healing Circles Global, learning from leading practice and adapting it to the local context. 

We offer weekly Living with Cancer circles, and we are preparing the first for Bulgaria healing circles Support in Transition starting in the summer of 2024. 

Find out more here


We offer hybrid transformative programs including workshops, immersive experiences, and integrative cancer care retreats.  

Find out more here


For the family and loved ones, we founded the innovative Gergina School of Care.   

Through the process of Nonviolent Communication, we develop the skills for authentic expression, empathy, and connection, supporting better care for ourselves and our loved ones. 

Find out more here


We are developing the new Healing Circle Grieving Together, which provides a safe and supportive space in which we can find solace and walk together in the difficult times after losing a loved one.  

Find out more here


For health and social practitioners, we organise workshops and sharing circles on the topics of holistic oncology and radical healing, which unite the newest from international research and healing practice.  

We regularly organize live community meets, gathering integrative therapists and medical professionals, patients and their loved ones, social organisations, and artists around the vision of fostering a wider community and ecosystem for integral health in Bulgaria and Europe.   

Find out more here

Don’t hesitate to reach out! We are here to help orient you in what may be right for you at this moment.